Which is the best Linux distribution for Laptops/Notebooks/Netbooks?

There one distribution of Ubuntu only for laptop called lubuntu. I have tried it and its pretty cool. I have 2GB RAM lap with 800MHz processor. But this OS works absolutely smooth on my machine. I googled a lot and tried a lot of Linux distros and finally settled down with lubuntu

Best Laptop Distro: Lubuntu
Again I must go with a member of the Ubuntu family. Lubuntu flies on older, less-powerful laptops. Lubuntu is Ubuntu-ized LXDE, which is one of the lightest-weight graphical environments you can use without sacrificing a lot of functionality. You'll get longer battery life, and have more system resources available for more demanding applications such as audio recording or graphics editing.
-source: The source for Linux information

-lubuntu site: http://lubuntu.net
-get lubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu